Monday, March 23, 2020

Optical Art (4th, 5th and 6th graders)

Op Art is a style of visual Art that uses optical illusions, it is abstract and usally gives the viewer the impression of movement, hidden images, flashing and vibrating patterns...

I have already shown you a few examples last time.

Let´s try to produce our own Optical Art, I would like you to use colours or black and white if you prefer.

I am giving you a few tutorials but as usual you can either follow them or try to create your own version.

I am posting them according to their level of difficulty.

you can change the shapes and colours, feel free to ceate something original.
You can also send me the result by email to

Take care!

Iker and Lucas, Martín awesome!!!

Here you are more links to have different options to create your own:

Ben feito Martín (5º)!!!

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