Sunday, January 17, 2021

Revisión Lengua Enero

Comenzamos recordando las formas simples y compuestas de los verbos.

Recordamos que en cada forma verbal tenemos raíz y desinencias.

Subraya ahora las formas verbales de las siguientes oraciones y cópialas luego separando la raíz de la desinencia en cada una:
El cohete despegó desde Cabo Cañaveral.
Ayer Daniela y yo compramos globos con forma de estrella.
¿Por qué nunca respondes a las preguntas?
¿Os venís al parque este sábado todos?

Dame cuatro ejemplos de formas verbales que pertenezcan a verbos irregulares, cópialas y escribe al lado sus infinitivos.

Aquí practicamos con la h intercalada.

Recordamos lo que son palabras primitivas y derivadas.

¡Pero qué recetas más apetitosas!!

Inventa la receta de un plato llamado "Tortilla estrellada".



                                                              Sólo ríos nivel básico aquí. E aquí.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Meeting Van Gogh

4th graders here you are!

Vincent van Gogh was born in the Netherlands on March 30th, 1853. He developed a unique style that is easily recognizable today.

Follow the links below to learn a little about Van Gogh's life.
•            Van Gogh for kids.
Check Vincent Van Gogh ArtAlive.

5th Graders, this project is for you 💖:
After reviewing the links, answer the following questions:
- How did Van Gogh become interested in Art?
-What training and education did he receive?
-What artistic movement was he part of? Explain its main characteristics.
-How did his mental state affect his work?

Use powerpoint to create a slideshow of Van Gogh where you must use google images to locate his paintings. Collect at least 10 images, present the slideshow to a family member at home and discuss about it.

If you hear a voice within you say "you cannot paint", then by all means paint,
and that voice will be silenced.